Watch "Selling in the Gaps and the Sales/Presales Relationship Revolution"

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Gartner research shows that vendors are directly involved in only about 17% of the buying process.

That's ALL vendors, not any given vendor. If they're evaluating three vendors, you may get what, 6%?

How are you maintaining (or better yet, building) momentum and mindshare the other 94% of the time–time when they are actively progressing through that fraught and complicated journey?

In this webinar, you will learn practical strategies to employ "in the gaps" BETWEEN those crucial live interactions, as well as the revolutionary effect this has on the relationship between Sales and Presales. We will discuss:

  • Psych level and the emotional bank account
  • How Presales is the key to adding value at every touch
  • How the Sales/Presales fusion creates an unparalleled customer experience